Libreria Allegro Dev C Tutorial ((LINK))
Libreria Allegro Dev C Tutorial ((LINK))
For Linux distributions based on Ubuntu (and Ubuntu itself), you candownload binary packages for Allegro 5 by adding the a PPA toyour software sources, and then installing the relevant packages. Seethe wikitutorial for more details.
Thanks to lmelior and to Javier Santana, there is a Linux version of this tutorial. The sourcecode is platform independent and comes with a makefile. However, under Linux, you need libsdl-gfx1.2-dev and libsdl1.2-dev (If you are using Ubuntu you can get them this way: sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev)
Thank you taking a look to the tutorial, Joe. I usually prefer to have everything precalculated. It is usually easier to understand and faster. But a procedurally rotation is also interesting. Alleytris is a great example of a good tetris clones. Good work!
Javier,Thanks so much, I checked out IndieLib game engine tutorial and I liked what I found. However, the tutorial is based on only visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. I have different compiler. Hope IndieLib would work in a environment.
Muy bueno el tutorial!Una pregunta, estoy usando la librería IO que hiciste para hacer mi versión del tetris, pero me sale un error de undefined reference to _boxColor cuando compilo con el CodeBlocks.Te agradezco si me podés ayudar.saludos!
@Emeka, mPiecesInitialPosition is just an array that has the displacement that each piece (the 4 possible rotations) has to suffer in order to be positioned when it is created. Just check out the two images that shows that in the tutorial: _and_good_tetris_positions.png _and_good_tetris_positions.png
Muchísimas gracias por el código y el tutorial, me ayudo bastante a terminar de darme la idea de como afrontar la mecánica del juego. Te comento que yo lo estoy programando en C para *PIC (microcontrolador de la empresa Microchip) y ya tenia bastante pensado los diagramas de la lógica del juego pero tu código me ayuda en la cuestión técnica de la programación. Obviamente ni bien lo tenga terminado paso a dejar fotos del bicho funcionando asi todos nos sentimos orgullosos.
thanks for this amazing tutorial ,this what i was looking for ,logic explanation,not just code ready to run that you have no idea what is it about .but for a beginner like me , it taught me great things about games programming ,specially dealing with arrays .i wrote the game using c#.
Janvier, excellent tutorial! On Board.cpp, the comment for GetYPosInPixels() indicates that parameter pPos is the Horizontal position of the block in the board. I think it should be Vertical position of the block in the board instead.
Hola, tenía el motor del libro Teach yourself game programmint in 24 hours de Michael Morrison. Implementé la máquina virtual de Lua y reprogramé éste tutorial de Tetris en Lua. Después de algunos quebraderos de cabeza con la forma de trabajar con tablas, valores de true y false, bucles, etc (no conocía el lenguaje y ha sido una buena forma de aprender), por fin terminé.
This article includes everything you need to know about controlling a stepper motor with the A4988 stepper motor driver and Arduino. I have included a wiring diagram, a tutorial on how to set the current limit and many example codes.
Although you can use this driver without an Arduino library, I highly recommend you also take a look at the example code for the AccelStepper library at the end of this tutorial. This library is fairly easy to use and can greatly improve the performance of your hardware.
In the rest of this tutorial I have left MS1, MS2 and MS3 disconnected, so the driver operates in full-step mode. This makes explaining the code a bit easier. Normally I would use 1/8 or 1/16 microstepping and connect the appropriate pins to 5V (see the table in the introduction).
I have personally used this driver a lot for a bunch of 3D printers and other CNC related projects but I would love to know what projects you plan on building (or have already built) with this driver. If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you think that things are missing in this tutorial, please leave a comment down below.
WOW! What an amazing tutorial!! I finally understand how the acceleration and speed works...As a student I really appreciate the in-depth analysis of the code. I am definitely recommending this to all my fellow students.Super!
Auxlio por favor, ya quiero llorar, porque no logro complar en dev c++ tena 5.11 pero me marcaba que no estaba una carpeta, luego tuve problemas con la libreria allegro y en fin, regrese a esa version, nstalé allegro pero resulta que no me deja compilar. Ya puse lo que explicaste pero me sigue marcando un errro que dice makefile.wn error 1073741819 y ya no se que mas le hace falta para funcionar, tengo mucha prisa de avanzar y no se que mas hacer. ayudaaaa
Encontr{e como resolver lo de makefle.wn, pero ahora me dice que no puede encontrar el archivo allegro.h cuando pongo las cabeceras, pero si est{a el archivo, todo ya lo revis{e muchas vees y nada que logro compilar. 153554b96e