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Flattening Of Emotions

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Flattening Of Emotions

Many of the conditions that cause flat affect can be treated. For some people, this can mean that their ability to express emotions can be restored. In other cases, treatment can help improve symptoms of flat affect or even prevent it from occurring. Treatments for conditions that cause flat affect vary, so talk to your healthcare practitioner or a mental health provider about which options are right for your needs.

The difference between contristed, blunted, and flat affect lies in the degree to which a person's emotional expression is affected. Constricted affect causes a diminished level of intensity and variability in how emotions are displayed. Blunted affect involves a more significant reduction in emotional expression. In flat affect, a person has minimal or absent emotional expression.

The Brvtalist is pleased to premiere a new track from Tolga Baklacioglu & Lady Maru. "Flattening Of Emotions" comes off the Ukraine fundraising Flattening Of Emotions EP on Berlin based DARK DISCO.ORG.Out June 3rd in digital formats. Get yours on Bandcamp: -baklacioglu-lady-maru-flattening-of-emotions-ep-name-your-price-all-revenues-go-for-ukraine@dark-disco

Blunted affect refers to feelingemotions but only showing some of what you're feeling. (It's a less intense form of the flat affect because you still show some response.)

Flat affect and emotional blunting can have an impact on treatment, especially if people go off medication they can benefit from. In another study, nearly 75% of more than 750 people in the acute phase of depression (and about 25% of those in remission) said they had severe emotional blunting. About 56% thought depression caused the emotional blunting, while 45% said antidepressants had a negative effect on their emotions. More than one-third were thinking of stopping medication or had already done so.

Introduction: Across four countries (Canada, USA, UK, and Italy), we explored the effects of persuasive messages on intended and actual preventive actions related to COVID-19, and the role of emotions as a potential mechanism for explaining these effects.

Methods: One thousand seventy-eight participants first reported their level of concern and emotions about COVID-19 and then received a positive persuasive text, negative persuasive text, or no text. After reading, participants reported their emotions about the pandemic and their willingness to take preventive action. One week following, the same participants reported the frequency with which they engaged in preventive action and behaviors that increased the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Results: Results revealed that the positive persuasive text significantly increased individuals' willingness to and actual engagement in preventive action and reduced risky behaviors 1 week following the intervention compared to the control condition. Moreover, significant differences were found between the positive persuasive text condition and negative persuasive text condition whereby individuals who read the positive text were more willing and actually engaged in more preventive action compared to those who read the negative text. No differences were found, however, at the 1-week follow-up for social distancing and isolation behaviors. Results also revealed that specific discrete emotions mediated relations between the effects of the texts and preventive action (both willing and actual).

Schizophrenia is widely regarded to be a neurocognitive disorder, i.e. a dysfunction of the neural and cognitive systems subserving thinking and reasoning, memory, language, attention and perception. However, although cognitive dysfunction is certainly a cardinal feature of schizophrenia, we argue that dysfunction of emotional brain systems may be even more important in understanding the disorder. Indeed, in recent years research on the emotional aspects of schizophrenia is accumulating at a high rate. Here, we review the available evidence regarding behavioral an


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