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Download File =====

For those of you who have purchased Half Life 2 online from Steam, then as you well know there is no requirement for any CD or DVD to be kept in the drive when playing Half Life 2. There are still certain requirements for Steam, and these are covered in the Steam section below. Quite obviously if you're using the Steam version of the game you should not install any No-CD cracks on your system. If you're interested in backing up your legitimately purchased online copy of Half Life 2 to CD or DVD, you can do this easily and legally - see the Steam section for more details.

These cracks can be used to patch games such that they do not seek the CD while running. This can help to speed the game up or free up the drive for other uses, such as playing music. It also makes gaming more convenient since you no longer have to hunt for CDs to play the games you have installed. The Free Information Society has no responsibility for how you choose to use these cracks.

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